all postcodes in PR7 / CHORLEY

find any address or company within the PR7 postcode district

Postcode Area

PR / Preston

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
PR7 6AB 10 0 53.670616 -2.673638
PR7 6AE 1 1 53.672546 -2.667811
PR7 6AF 1 1 53.673567 -2.666752
PR7 6AH 39 2 53.669016 -2.676836
PR7 6AJ 40 0 53.668931 -2.679241
PR7 6AL 21 0 53.667985 -2.679544
PR7 6AN 11 0 53.668189 -2.678503
PR7 6AP 41 0 53.668089 -2.680378
PR7 6AQ 2 2 53.672448 -2.660873
PR7 6AR 37 0 53.666862 -2.679556
PR7 6AS 31 0 53.66806 -2.677578
PR7 6AT 2 0 53.668674 -2.678326
PR7 6AU 42 8 53.670219 -2.678823
PR7 6AW 6 0 53.667892 -2.678589
PR7 6AX 43 1 53.669458 -2.682973
PR7 6AY 34 2 53.669748 -2.684159
PR7 6AZ 20 0 53.670012 -2.681998
PR7 6BA 20 1 53.670935 -2.682467
PR7 6BB 20 0 53.670564 -2.681357
PR7 6BD 49 0 53.672213 -2.68052